Since Covid people are afraid to travel, yet there are more travel stations and travel magazines than ever before. The world is quickly becoming a melting pot and often we feel lost in the brew.

People have a desire to taste and experience the cultures of the local neighbors but don’t know where to begin. How do I relate to my Chinese, Jewish and Middle Eastern neighbor? They seem so foreign, yet we must learn to live side by side.

Taste of Humanity provides an opportunity to experience first-hand the diversities of culture. Through conversation, food, and fashion you will feel as though you are miles away yet secure knowing you are in a safe environment.

The informative tools throughout each country will not only educate you but will also allow you to interact with your friends.

Beginning with the introduction and moving through the hostess tips you will begin to engage with the culture. As you anticipate your costume and home décor you will begin to embrace the country on a personal level. Fears and prejudice will dissipate, as you understand first-hand the traditions of others.

Tammy is an eleven-time author, a speaker, a life coach,  and the leader of a national women's movement. She has a passion for equipping people to embrace their natural abilities, personal passions, and spiritual gifts.

New Book By Tammy

We live in a culture of Story.

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter all seek to tell stories…

Which tells us people want to share and hear STORY!

Because your story matters!





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