Is Heaven Real and can I know that I am going there?

Can I know for sure I’m going to heaven?

If there’s a heaven, is there a hell?

We watch Hollywood movies, read stories, sing songs, and even hear testimonies, but do we really know what heaven is like?

Does everyone go to heaven?

Have you ever asked yourself if heaven is real, and if so, am I going? In my new podcast series, I address the topic of Heaven, and what the Bible says about it. Don’t you think it is worth knowing about the place you will spend eternity? There are all kinds of things we can learn about heaven.

Join me for the 4-part series on... Is Heaven Real?

Tammy is an eleven-time author, a speaker, a life coach,  and the leader of a national women's movement. She has a passion for equipping people to embrace their natural abilities, personal passions, and spiritual gifts.

New Book By Tammy

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