How do I taste humanity with my circle of acquaintances?

How to Host the Dinner Party

Invite your friends, neighbors, and colleagues to join you for an international dinner party. (make sure you invite your international friends)

As the host you will not only share your home, but you will share your heart.

Each person will bring a dish from their county and be prepared to share a little about some of the customs and cuisines from their home.

Make sure you have a variety of foods, including appetizer, salad, main course, and dessert.

You can use the Taste of Humanity Book as a reference guide from setting your table to hosting your guest.

"Humanity is each human giving and receiving in order to benefit mankind"

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Dinner Discussion Questions

One of the reasons we’re hosting humanity dinner parties is for our personal knowledge and experience.

But it’s also to share our story. It is a way we can be bold with the gospel and obedient to the command of Jesus.

As you engage in conversation with your friends and neighbors, consider the following discussion questions.

  1. Did you grow up in a spiritual home with any kind of religious conviction?

    This would be the time that you share your story and how you came to the understanding of your faith.

  2. Do you practice your faith today, and if so, what does that look like for you?

    This is where you can share how you live out your testimony on a daily basis.

  3. Do you believe in heaven, and do you think we go there after we die?

    This is where you would introduce your conviction and knowledge of heaven and the personal choice we all make when we embrace Jesus as Savior.

  4. If you could be certain that you could go to heaven, would you want to know how?

    This is where you can share the steps of salvation.

Scripture Verses to Salvation

  • Romans 3:23

  • Romans 6:23

  • Romans 5:8

  • Romans 10:9–10

  • Romans 10:13

  • Often Romans 5:1, 8:1, and 5:12 are added to the list

What's in the book?

Taste of Humanity provides an opportunity to experience first-hand the diversities of culture. Through conversation, food and fashion you will feel as though you are miles away yet secure knowing you are in a safe environment.

The informative tools throughout each country will not only educate you but will also allow you to interact with your friends.

Beginning with the introduction and moving through the hostess tips you will begin to engage with the culture. As you anticipate your costume and home décor you will begin to embrace the country on a personal level. Fears and prejudice will dissipate, as you understand first-hand the traditions of others.

Each chapter is designed to follow the format below:

Part 1: Introduction

As you read the introduction you will begin to build a personal affinity with the country through story and experience. You will engage first hand in the sights and sounds of the country.

Part 2: Hostess Tips

You will receive step-by-step instructions on how to prepare for the evening.

Part 3: Agenda

You will feel as though you have a personal event planner. Step by step directions on how to move through the evening.

From how to set a perfect table to the correct time each course is served you will have the confidence of a smooth evening.

Part 4: Recipes

We will provide a suggested menu as well as optional choices. The suggested menu will consist of an authentic meal from the country while providing options for low fat, diabetic and vegetarians eaters.

Part 5: Dinner Questions

The interactive dinner questions have proven to be a highlight of the evening. Most conversation unless otherwise prompted is always the same. How is work? How is the family, etc? The dinner questions have been designed to learn about the history of the country while answering the question with your personal story.

Example: The Eiffel Tower is 984 feet high. What is the highest structure you have been to? 

Taste of Humanity was created to encourage others to reach beyond their own backyards into a world of culture, cuisine and conversation.

Fear, prejudice, and culture have not only divided countries, its infected neighborhoods.

We are no longer just a “melting pot of culture” we are now more than ever…International neighborhoods.

TOH will introduce you to culture, cuisine and conversation, with the hope of using our similarities to bridge our differences.

We all long to know more about the world in which we live, some travel some read and some just dream. Now you can experience the world from the comfort and safety of your own home. The purpose of this book is to allow the reader to experience and understand the culture, cuisine and costumes of a diverse world, through reality. As various cultures interact, you will begin to see the ways food, conversation and personal experience can bridge into any heart.  Drama, passion, and education are be laced throughout the book, making each chapter more exciting than the next.

As a certified Life Coach I have found that people desire to live with peace and harmony, more than they do war and tragedy.

  • If we stay ignorant of other cultures, we handicap ourselves of new experiences.

  • Humanity is each human being giving and receiving to benefit mankind.

TOH is the rare opportunity to release all inhibitions and experience the smell, taste, fashion and ideologies of the world.

By participating in TOH you will not only learn about the world, but you will also be drawn into the aroma, history and beliefs that have made each culture so uniquely diverse.

Taste of Humanity will allow the reader to:

  • Experience first-hand the various costumes, cuisine and conversations of the world.

  • Enjoy this experience in the comfort of their home.

  • Appreciate the diversity of other cultures through life experience.

  • Build a bridge between cultures.

  • Learn from History, food, fashion and conversations

  • Watch barriers break down and at times build up because of ideologies

QUESTION: What Do A Christian, Muslim, And Jew Have In Common?
ANSWER: A dinner invitation!

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New Thoughts

TOH is based on Tammy Hotsenpiller’s book, Taste of Humanity: How to host an international dinner party.

The world has become a melting pot of culture, cuisine and conversation; and those that learn to embrace and except this change will indeed guide the future.

My experience began when I lived in the greater New York area and began to rub shoulders with the world. China Town, Little Italy, the Jewish quarter and Spanish Harlem (to name a few), began to mold my new picture of “the neighbor next door’. 

But fear, prejudices, and strange practices keep us from opening the gate of our backyard. They keep us from learning the great heritage, history and wisdom that so many other cultures can teach us. 

Culture is learned; therefore, culture is accepted when embraced.